Americans Turning Off the Oscars

It should come as no surprise to anyone that the recent Oscars has done very little but to point out the absurdity of what one of America's cults has depressingly come to.  Hollywood, that once glittering wonder of the world, complete with its glitz and glamour, full of starlets and stars, our role-models, priests and priestesses, has now shown its tarnish and its mask has been pulled off.  The low ratings of this most recent and much anticipated 90th Academy Awards show has shown that very few Americans are tuning in to gaze upon the faces of their Aphrodites and Adonises, and dream dreams of silver screens and golden awards.

One may wonder why it is that Americans still obsess over their sports and athletic heroes, whom they revere as the Romans once revered the gladiators, or the Greeks revered the wrestlers, but no longer find interest in the thespians.  The only answer that I could find is that the allure of Hollywood has been long dead and due to this fact, actors and actresses are so desperate for recognition that they will and have done everything to remain relevant in the world.

Hollywood has been in a downward spiral for years; it cannot seem to produce anything original and many Americans have to go abroad for a decent film.  Eighties pop culture references, remakes, reboots, movies about whores and cads, and comic book heroes seem to be all that Hollywood is able to pump out. Not only has Hollywood been producing terribly boring and uninspiring movies, it has been a center for smut, sexual assault, and hypocrisy for years.

Take the fact that despite recent feminists' cries to bring awareness to the sexual misconduct that has been rampant in Hollywood for years, resulting in a near witch hunt for male actors, producers, directors, and possibly even the stage hands, many actresses and women attending this year's Oscars decided to wear clothing so scandalous it could make a prostitute blush.

It is about time that Americans begin changing the channel, or hopefully pulling the plug.  Is there anything to gain from an industry that loved to bash the Catholic Church while the same was being done to poor child actors like Corey Feldman and young women were being raped by Harvey Winestein?  Or how about the newest movement against sexual harassment that sees nothing wrong with having women continue to parade their naked bodies or engage in even more pornographic acts on film.  Do these nincompoops do not see through their absurdity?

I will be honest, reader, I stood with many Americans who refused to watch the Academy Awards, or the Oscars as it is commonly known.  It is not so much the resentment I have towards those who get paid obscene amounts of money to partake in one of the lower forms of entertainment; nor is it that they routinely feel compelled to abuse their cult status in America to elevate their views in regards to politics or culture, things that most, if not all, are wholly ignorant of.  No, dear reader, it is simply because I could care less to waste hours of my precious life that I already have to devote to the bane task of earning a living. To sit and watch overly privileged and spoiled people talk about how the rest of the nation —most acutely those pernicious Middle-Americans with their God, guts, and guns— is privileged and spoiled, is enough to churn my stomach.

One would have to be a choice fool to publicly berate one's means of assistance, yet the Oscars this year shows that Hollywood does not care if they alienate half of the nation.  Honestly, it is not as if we seriously look to these mostly under-educated starlets, who parade around either half-naked, or robed in the most harlequin costumes, for sage advice.  And yet, like the pitiful fools they dress as, they do not see that they are viewed as such by half of America.  They go on national campaigns, or they join the United Nations, where greater fools adulate them with applause and cheers.  Well, C.S. Lewis once stated that if you take away man's right to honor kings, we will in turn honor prostitutes and fools. Judging on how the United Nations invited an actress famous for playing a teen witch and getting poorly spelled tattoos on her arm to speak on Women's Issues, it seems C.S. Lewis's words were a dire prophecy.

But as I said dear reader, there is hope because like you, I chose not to waste my time with such trivialities and decided to devote that time to more purposeful tasks.  Now, it seems more Americans are doing the same.  Various news outlets report that this year's Academy Awards was one of the lowest-watched events in its history.  It is my hope that this trend will continue and that the film industry will purge itself of the perverts, morons, and hypocrites who not only have everything in common with the other, but tend to make up the entirety now of what is left of Hollywood.


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